Starting with Summer Classes on:-
Wednesday 14th August 2019, 1:00 to 2:00pm
Wednesday 21st August 2019. 1:00 to 2:00pm
Weekly Classes begin on:- (Term time only)
Wednesday 11th September 2019, 1:00 to 2:00pm
Contact details are:-
Lara Ross
07776 236007

Silver Swans ballet classes are specially targeted at older learners (age 55+) but there is no official lower or upper age limit. The classes are designed to safely incorporate learning the fundamentals of basic ballet technique whilst providing a friendly and fun way of keeping fit and active to inspiring music. There are many benefits of learning ballet including toning of the muscles, increasing core strength and balance, improving posture and flexibility, not to mention using the old grey matter to literally think on your feet and give your brain a workout too! In Peak Ballet’s Silver Swans classes the majority of dancers are complete ballet beginners who dance alongside those returning to ballet, sometimes after decades of absence. We all leaving feeling invigorated and poised, and most importantly with smiles on our faces.